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About Us

Find out health tips and nutritional advices could help inspire you to live a healthy life.

Our History

Innovators since day 1

With the ongoing advances of science in nutrition, scientists discovered a connection between what we eat and our health. To respond to this consumer need, Bion3 was created in France in 2002 with a patented probiotic-based unique formula.

The success story first started thanks to the conviction of a multidisciplinary team of scientists and marketing developers. It is a real innovative concept: for the first time, 3 probiotic strains (Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum) have been combined with vitamins and minerals.. Also, the components are formulated in a multilayer tablet and the probiotic strains are protected by a gastro-resistant coating to protect them from the gastric acid.

Bion3 contributes to the maintenance of our natural defenses and provides different nutrients to support our physical and mental energy, to make you enjoy more of your day, every day.

Our Passion & Believes

Empowering our consumers everyday through better health is at the center of everything we do

We believe that traditional multivitamins are not complete without probiotics and that our consumers look for more than what they are getting currently.
Our Unique Formulation

Bion3 has a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics

We, as humans, need several vitamins and minerals (for example vitamin C, D and zinc ) to support a healthy immune system that protects our body against the bacteria and viruses coming from outside. Probiotics are also crucial as they are made up of good bacteria that helps to keep the body healthy and working well.

The gut plays a critical role in the absorption of the essential nutrients our body cannot produce: vitamins & minerals.

With a single Bion3 tablet, you can get an adequate amount of selected vitamins, minerals and probiotics to make you enjoy more of your day, everyday.

La información contenida en este sitio tiene únicamente un propósito educacional e informativo. Dicha información no debe ser tomada como consejo médico, diagnóstico o tratamiento. Recuerde siempre consultar con un profesional de la salud cuando tenga cualquier pregunta sobre alguna condición médica. Estos productos no están destinados a diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad